Imine condensation

Thermodynamic representations

The files required for the generation of the reaction networks of the imine condensation example of the rNets' article can be found in the examples/example_imine_thermo folder. This folder contains the following files:


In the assets folder we have 4 different compound-reaction file pairs:

  1. comps_paper_simple.csv and reactions_paper_simple.csv

  2. comps_32_simple.csv and reactions_32_simple.csv

  3. comps_paper.csv and reactions_paper.csv

  4. comps_32.csv and reactions_32.csv

The files with the termination simple.csv include the ones required to generate the figures as presented in the manuscript. The files without the termination simple.csv correspond to the full reaction network. All the numerical values included in these files come from the original publication (DOI: 10.1021/acs.orglett.0c00367). Specifically, the files in a are used to generate a simplified reaction network with the uncorrected DFT energies, hiding some compounds and species. The files in b are used to generate the same representation of the network but with a corrected set of energies. The files in c are the uncorrected full reaction network and the files in d are used for the corrected full reaction network.

Preliminary steps

For the present example the only required software is rNets and graphviz. Please follow the installation instructions of rNets.


For convenience we created the script which facilitates the generation of all the figures in one go. To execute the code the user will have to type in the following command:


Upon execution two new folders will appear: temp and res. The temp folder contains the .dot files, which serve as input to graphviz for the actual image generation. The res folder will contain the automatically rendered .png files.

Manual Generation of the network graphs

The procedure for the generation of all images is the same one, only needing to change the compounds and reactions files. We will use the files in a) ( uncorrected and simplified reaction network ) to illustrate the procedure.


The following step by step examples assume a UNIX-like OS. In the case of Windows OS please adapt accordingly the paths to the files or use the script.

First we will generate the .dot file containing the reaction network from the compounds and reactions files. To do so we will execute the following line:

$ python assets/comps_paper_simple.csv assets/reactions_paper_simple.csv

This will generate a file named in the current directory. Next we will render the figure with graphviz as a .png file, (other formats such as svg are also possible). To do so, we will execute the following command:

$ dot -Tpng -o figure_3a.png

With this we have generated the image of the reaction network.


Please note that within, a custom treatment for the simple.csv files is included. This is not necessary to generate a reaction network graph, but it was used to add some control over the final layout to guarantee that the resulting figure would fit in the manuscript. It has also been added to the examples to ensure the reproducibility of the figures in the article.

Kinetic representations

The files required for the generation of the reaction networks of the imine condensation example of the rNets' article can be found in the examples/example_imine_kinetic folder. This folder contains the following files:


Here we have 4 different types of files:

  1. assets/comps_draco_42_simple.csv , assets/reactions_draco_42_simple.csv, assets/comps_draco_42.csv, assets/reactions_draco_42.csv

  2. , assets/kinetic_model.index




Files in a are used to create the reaction network and provide the energetics needed to compute the kinetic constants and thus the net rates of the reactions. Files in b are files generated using the pykinetic software, the .index file contains similar information to the rNets compounds and reaction files, to simplify re-creating the input needed for pykinetic. The contains how to carry out the actual microkinetic simulation, and will generate a .data file containing the concentrations at each time of all species. The file in c is a script to generate the .dot files at different times, which are used in the generation the static graph figures which are the focus of the present section. The file in d is a script to generate all the .dot files required to generate the .gif file which is the focus of the following section. The file in e integrates all the workflow within a single script.


The obtained from pykinetic (v0.1.0) has been slighly modified to facilitate the re-generation of all figures under the script (see the Quickstart subsection)

The files with the termination simple.csv are used to draw a simplified version of the reaction network. The files without the termination simple.csv correspond to the full reaction network. The 42 makes reference to the systematic bias included into the DFT computed energies, specifically 4.2 kcal/mol which in kJ is 17.56 kJ/mol.

Preliminary steps

The first step is to run the microkinetic simulation. For this task we only require to have installed the python libraries numpy and scipy, (one of the main design features of pykinetic is the generation of standalone scripts that do not require the pykinetic to run).

After ensuring that we have numpy and scipy installed, we now proceed to run the simulation:

$ python

This will generate a file in the assets 2-6 mins depending on the CPU performance of the computer.


For convenience we created the script which facilitates the generation of all the figures and gifs in one go. To execute the code the user will have to type in the following command:


Upon execution two new folders will appear: temp and res. The temp folder contains the .dot files, which serve as input to graphviz for the actual image generation. The res folder will contain the automatically rendered .png files as well as the .gif file.

Manual Generation of the network graphs


The following step by step examples assume a UNIX-like OS. In the case of Windows OS please adapt accordingly the paths to the files or use the script.

Next, we proceed to generate the reaction network, colored by concentration of the different species at different times during the simulation. For the example the simple.csv files will be used but the files for the full network can also be used.

$ python assets/comps_draco_42_simple.csv assets/reactions_draco_42_simple.csv

This will generate 2 .dot files, and The following step is to use graphviz to render the images:

$ dot -Tpng -o figure_7a.png
$ dot -Tpng -o figure_7b.png

An animation of the kinetic evolution

The files required for the generation of the reaction networks of the imine condensation example of the rNets' article can be found in the examples/example_imine_kinetic folder. This folder contains the following files:


For a detailed explanation of the purpose of each of this files please look at the previous section. The focus of this section is to generate a gif changing the color of the species as the kinetic simulation progresses.


The following step by step examples assume a UNIX-like OS. In the case of Windows OS please adapt accordingly the paths to the files or use the script.

Preliminary steps

The first step is to run the microkinetic simulation. For this task we only require to have installed the python libraries numpy and scipy, (one of the main design features of pykinetic is the generation of standalone scripts that do not require the pykinetic to run). Finally to generate the final .gif we will require a software to merge together all the frames, for this example GIMP or imagemagick are recommended.

After ensuring that we have numpy and scipy installed, we now proceed to run the simulation:

$ python

This will generate a file in 2-6 mins depending on the CPU performance of the computer.

GIF generation

To generate a GIF file showing the evolution of the species over time we will start by generating a .dot file for every 10s of simulation into a folder named gif_folder. To preform this task the python script is included.

To use it we need to provide the compounds and reactions files and the data from the kinetic simulation:

$ python assets/comps_draco_42.csv assets/reactions_draco_42.csv

Our next step is to transform all the generated dot files into png format. We can do that manually or we can use some bash scripting. The following command will work in a bash shell:

$ for dotfile in gif_folder/*.dot; do dot -Tpng $dotfile -o ${dotfile%.*}.png; done

Finally we need to convert all the .png files into an animated gif. Specifically for the manuscript, the GIMP <> software was used for this task. An alternative through command line is imagemagick which can provide a decent-quality gif using the following command:

$ convert -delay 0 -loop 1 gif_folder/*.png imine_graph_animation.gif

Upon successfull completion of the '.png' to '.gif' the imine_graph_animation.gif will contain the desired gif file.