Command-line help

rNets was designed mainly with its command-line utility in mind. By enabling the flag --help or -h the following information will be displayed:

rNets, create a dotfile.

usage: rnets [-h] [-cf COMP_FILE] [-rf REAC_FILE] [-o OUT_FILE] [-cfg CONFIG]
             [-T CHEM.T] [-u {eV,kj/mol,kcal/mol}] [-kb CHEM.KB] [-A CHEM.A]
             [-k GRAPH.KIND]
             [-c {viridis,plasma,magma,inferno,cividis,viridis_r,plasma_r,magma_r,inferno_r,cividis_r}]
             [-go GRAPH.OPTS [GRAPH.OPTS ...]] [-w GRAPH.EDGE.WIDTH]
             [-mw GRAPH.EDGE.MAX_WIDTH]
             [-eo GRAPH.EDGE.OPTS [GRAPH.EDGE.OPTS ...]]
             [-no GRAPH.NODE.OPTS [GRAPH.NODE.OPTS ...]]

Named Arguments

-cf, --compfile

Compounds file

-rf, --reacfile

Reactions file

-o, --outfile

Output file name

-cfg, --config

Configuration file name


-T, --temperature

Temperature value in K

-u, --units

Possible choices: eV, kj/mol, kcal/mol

Energy units. Used to select kb and A if not provided

-kb, --boltzmann

Boltzmann constant. Overrides the default

-A, --preexp

Eyring equation pre-exponetial factor. Overrides the default

Graph configuration

-k, --kind

Kind of dotgraph

-c, --colorscheme

Possible choices: viridis, plasma, magma, inferno, cividis, viridis_r, plasma_r, magma_r, inferno_r, cividis_r

Color scheme

-off, --offset

Colorscheme offset

-go, --graph_opts

Graphviz options for graph in dictionary format

Edge configuration

-w, --width

Edge constant/minimum width

-mw, --maxwidth

Edge maximum width

-eo, --edge-opts

Graphviz options for edges in dictionary format

Node configuration

-f, --fontcolor

Font color of the nodes

-a, --fontcoloralt

Alternate font color of the nodes

-l, --lumthreshold

Luminance threshold for the nodes

-no, --node-opts

Graphviz options for nodes in dictionary format