
class rnets.chemistry.ChemCfg(T: float = 273.15, e_units: str = 'eV', kb: float = 8.62e-05, A: float = 10000000000000.0)[source]

Chemical system general configuration.


Temperature of the chemical system in Kelvin. Defaults to the standard temperature (DEF_T.).




Energy units. Defaults to "eV"




(float): Boltzmann constat. Defaults to eV and K (DEF_KB)




(float): Arrhenius pre-exponential factor. Defaults to 1 (DEF_A).



rnets.chemistry.build_chemcfg(T: float = DEF_T, e_units: str = 'eV', kb: float | None = None, h: float | None = None, A: float | None = None) ChemCfg[source]

Wrapper to build a ChemCfg taking into account pre-known constant values.

  • T (float) -- Temperature of the chemical system in Kelvin. Defaults to the standard temperature (DEF_T.).

  • e_units (str, optional) -- Energy units. Defaults to "eV".

  • kb (float) -- Boltzmann constat. If None, its value will be search at CONSTANTS. If the constant is not found, a NotImplementedError will be raised.

  • h (float) -- Planck constat. In case h and A are None, its value will be search at CONSTANTS based on the provided units. If the constant is not found, a NotImplementedError will be raised. Defaults to None

  • A (float) -- Arrhenius pre-exponential factor. If not provided, it will be computed with kb and h.


ChemCfg with the given configuration.


NotADirectoryError -- if a constant is not provided and is not found in CONSTANTS for the given units (e_units)

rnets.chemistry.calc_A(T: float, kb: float, h: float) float[source]

Given a temperature, a boltzmann constant and the planck constant, compute the Arrhenius pre-exponential factor.

  • T (float) -- Temperature.

  • kb (float) -- Boltzmann constant.

  • h (float) -- Planck constant.


Arrhenius pre-exponential factor as float.

rnets.chemistry.calc_activation_energy(r: Reaction, reverse: bool = False) float[source]

Computes the activation energy of a given compounds

  • r (Reaction) -- Reaction that will be used to calculate the Ea.

  • inv (bool, optional) -- Compute the energy of the reverse reaction. Defaults to False


Activation energy.

Return type:



Note that the units are not checked. The energy of the Reaction

and its attached compounds should be in the same units.

rnets.chemistry.calc_net_rate(r: Reaction, T: float, A: float, kb: float) float | None[source]

Given a reaction, a temperature, and pre-exponential factor, computer the net rate constant.

  • T (float) -- Temperature of the reaction.

  • A (float) -- Pre-exponential factor used in the Arrhenius equation.

  • kb (float) -- Boltzmann constant.


Note that the units are not checked. The user should provide the arguments with matching units.

rnets.chemistry.calc_pseudo_k_constant(ea: float, T: float = DEF_T, A: float = DEF_A, kb: float = DEF_KB) float[source]

Uses the arrhenious equation to compute a pseudo equilibrium constant (k) for the given activation energy. This constant serves a proxy to visually compare reaction kinetics.

  • ea (float) -- Reaction energy.

  • T (float) -- Temperature at which the kinetic constant is computed. Defaults to DEF_T.

  • A (float) -- Pre-exponential factor for the Arrhenious equation. Defaults to DEF_A.

  • kb (float) -- Boltzmann constant. Defaults to DEF_KB


Computed pseudo-k.

Return type:



Use calc_activation_energy to compute the energy for a give Reaction object.

Units are not taken into account. Make sure that the temperature and energy units match.

rnets.chemistry.calc_reactions_k_norms(rs: Sequence[Reaction], T: float = DEF_T, A: float = DEF_A, kb: float = DEF_KB, norm_range: tuple[float, float] = (0., 1.)) Iterator[float][source]

From a set of reactions, compute the norm of each reaction using the pseudo kinetic constant (see calc_pseudo_kconstant).

  • rs (sequence of Reaction) -- Reactions to use to compute the norm.

  • T (float) -- Temperature at which the kinetic constant is computed. Defaults to DEF_T.

  • A (float) -- Pre-exponential factor for the Arrhenious equation. Defaults to DEF_A.

  • kb (float) -- Boltzmann constant. Defaults to DEF_KB


Computed k norms preserving the order of the

given reactions.

Return type:

Iterator of float

rnets.chemistry.minmax(xs: Iterable[float]) tuple[float, float][source]

Simple function that returns the minimum and the maximum of a sequence of floats.


xs (sequence of float) -- Sequence to examine.


With the form of (min, max).

Return type:

tuple of two floats


I tried to make this function from scratch, but it seems that the
implementation of min and max are extremely efficient; it is better

to create two maps and then search for the min and max.

rnets.chemistry.network_conc_normalizer(nw: Network) Callable[[float], float][source]

Given a reaction network, build a concentration normalizer based on the maximum and minimum concentration of the compounds in the network.


nw (Network) -- Network for which the normalizer will be built.


Function that normalizes a float using minimum and maximum values of the network and an offset

Return type:

Callable[[float], float]

rnets.chemistry.network_energy_normalizer(n: Network) Callable[[float], float][source]

Given a reaction network, build an energy normalizer based on the minimum and maximum energies of the compounds and reactions.


n (Network) -- Network for which the normalizer will be built.


Function that normalizes a given float using minimum and maximum values of the network and an offset.

Return type:

Callable[[float], float]

rnets.chemistry.normalizer(s: float, e: float) Callable[[float], float][source]

Creates a normalization function that returns a value between 0 and 1 depending on the minimum and maximum values.

  • s (float) -- Starting (mininum) value used for the normalization.

  • e (float) -- Ending (maximum) value used for the normalization.


Function that normalizes a float within the

normalization range.

Return type:

Callable[[float], float]


If the normalization function overflows, it will return 0 in case of

values smaller than the minimum or 1 in case of values higher than the ending value.